Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs)

Our ACPs are there to help people that need to be seen at home urgently. The team can visit, assess and treat people at home, avoiding an unnecessary trip to hospital when this is safe to do so.
About us
Our ACPs are a community based team that provide support to people with an urgent healthcare need registered with a Wakefield GP. This team is made up of Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACPs) and Trainee ACPs with the aim of keeping people in a place they call home.
They work closely with general practitioners and the service strives to visit all patients within two hours of referral to the team.
Patients that have urgent needs which can be managed at home.
Referrals are mostly taken from GPs but are accepted from most sources. The team support patients to maximise their independence at home. Our team work within the Connecting Care hubs and so they have access to a range of other services including therapy services, adult social care and voluntary sector providers such as Age UK and Carers Wakefield.
Whilst not guaranteed, the service strives to visit all patients within two hours of referral to the team.