Pontefract Hospital

The smaller of our three hospitals, Pontefract has open access emergency care for less serious medical conditions.

About Pontefract Hospital

Pontefract Hospital

The smaller of our three hospitals, Pontefract has open access emergency care for less serious medical conditions. It also offers planned surgery, day surgery, a number of outpatient clinics and rehabilitation for people who need round the clock care but do not need to be in an acute hospital bed.

Pontefract Hospital Cancer Centre - during Covid-19

A cancer centre has been created at Pontefract Hospital to enable people to receive care in a safe environment without being exposed to the risk of infection from Covid-19. This is for people who have been referred for tests for suspected cancer, or whose condition could deteriorate if treatment was delayed.

To ensure the safety of all patients and staff, all corridors, waiting areas, clinic rooms, operating theatres and wards will only be accessible to patients who have tested negative for Covid-19. Access to and from other parts of the hospital have been closed off to anyone except patients attending for cancer tests or treatment, and the cancer centre has separate entry and exit routes.

The Friarwood Birth Centre

The Friarwood Birth Centre at Pontefract was temporarily closed on 8 November 2019.

This isn't a choice we've made lightly. Essentially, it’s because - despite at the time having just recruited 15 new midwives to the Trust - there is a national shortage of midwives and we still don’t currently have enough midwives to provide the standard of service we would want to across all three of our midwifery-led units. So we have to employ our midwives where most women choose to birth, which is at Pinderfields and Dewsbury.

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Find out more about the services we offer at Pontefract