After your birth

Support after the birth of your baby
At our Trust, our midwifery team will also provide you with support after the birth which includes:
- unhurried skin to skin contact
- offering the first feed in skin to skin contact and support to breastfeed or bottle feed
- help to identify feeding cues.
If your baby is born at home, the tests will be carried out at home by a community midwife.
If your baby is receiving special care, these tests will be done in the special baby care unit.
Watch the following video to find out what to expect after giving birth, and if you experience any problems, please phone maternity triage on 01924 543002/543006:
Video transcript: MY Maternity – Information for returning home after the birth of your baby.docx[docx] 16KB
The NHS website features further information on what to expect after giving birth.
For further postnatal care and support information please download this booklet which has been put together by West Yorkshire and Harrogate Heath and Care Partnership.
Becoming a parent can be a rewarding and sometimes difficult time. This new role can be a big adjustment in lifestyle.
This resource identifies the affect becoming a parent can have on your emotional wellbeing and includes information and tips that may help.
Wellbeing for new dads, partners and non-birthing partners.pdf [pdf] 833KB
If you're looking for support with the increased cost of living, take a look at our cost of living useful contacts document. It features website links and phone numbers for organisations offering financial advice, employment support, clothes banks, mental health support and much more besides.