Accident and emergency patient information leaflets

Patient information leaflets

WEB ED 1b Bites and stings .pdf[pdf] 165KB

WEB ED 10b Possible Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).pdf[pdf] 122KB

WEB ED 14b Forgeign body ingestion.pdf[pdf] 129KB

WEB ED 8b Needlestick injury.pdf[pdf] 149KB

WEB ED 6b Dental problems and mouth injuries.pdf[pdf] 144KB

WEB ED 5b Chest infection .pdf[pdf] 196KB

WEB ED 3b Chest pain.pdf[pdf] 168KB

WEB ED 9b Treatment for a pneumothorax.pdf[pdf] 167KB

WEB ED 11b Diarrhoea and vomiting in children.pdf[pdf] 147KB

WEB ED 17b Acute lower back pain .pdf[pdf] 131KB

WEB ED 7b Nose injuries and nose bleeds (epistaxis).pdf[pdf] 199KB

WEB ED 2b Bleeding in early pregnancy .pdf[pdf] 262KB

WEB ED 12b Bronchiolitis .pdf[pdf] 145KB

WEB ED 4b Asthma control plan.pdf [pdf] 161KB

WEB ED 15b Asthma.pdf[pdf] 152KB

WEB ED 13b Burn and scald injuries .pdf[pdf] 167KB

WEB ED 16b Minor head injury child .pdf[pdf] 188KB

WEB ED 19b Wound closure .pdf[pdf] 197KB

WEB ED 18b Pulled elbow children.pdf[pdf] 177KB

WEB ED 27b Eye conditions .pdf[pdf] 137KB

WEB ED 29b Minor foot and ankle fractures.pdf[pdf] 142KB

WEB ED 26b Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) .pdf[pdf] 178KB

WEB ED 28b Knee injuries and exercises.pdf[pdf] 172KB

WEB ED 20b Pretibial lacerations .pdf[pdf] 154KB

WEB ED 23b Neck inury.pdf[pdf] 164KB

WEB ED 25b Accidental overdose in children .pdf[pdf] 157KB

WEB ED 21b Croup.pdf[pdf] 161KB

WEB ED 33b Wrist injury.pdf[pdf] 160KB

WEB ED 22b Chest injuries.pdf [pdf] 297KB

WEB ED 24b Discharge advice for carers of children younger than 5 years who have a fever .pdf[pdf] 152KB

WEB ED 36b Ankle injuries and exercises .pdf[pdf] 154KB

WEB ED 30b Plasters and casts.pdf[pdf] 163KB

WEB ED 31c Scaphoid.pdf[pdf] 196KB

WEB ED 40b Headaches.pdf[pdf] 171KB

WEB ED 38b RTA.pdf[pdf] 129KB

WEB ED 41b Cellulitis .pdf[pdf] 151KB

WEB ED 39c Referral to physio .pdf[pdf] 147KB

WEB ED 42b The use of elbow crutches partial weight bearing .pdf[pdf] 148KB

WEB ED 43b The use of elbow crutches non weight bearing.pdf[pdf] 130KB

WEB ED 34b Shoulder injuries and exercises.pdf[pdf] 194KB

WEB ED 32b Hand mobilisation.pdf[pdf] 437KB

WEB ED 37b Sunburn .pdf[pdf] 159KB

WEB ED 45c Traumatic elbow fat pad sign in adults without evidence of fracture .pdf[pdf] 208KB

WEB ED 44b Minor head injury (adults) .pdf[pdf] 150KB

WEB ED 48a Anaphylaxis .pdf[pdf] 117KB

WEB ED 46a A5 On line self help resources.pdf [pdf] 61KB

WEB ED 47a Sexual Health Advice .pdf [pdf] 61KB

WEB ED 51a Drink or needle spiking .pdf[pdf] 150KB

WEB ED 50a What to do after you have swallowed a Super Strong Magnet .pdf[pdf] 231KB

WEB ED 49a What to do after your child has swallowed a Super Strong Magnet .pdf[pdf] 264KB