Burns reconstructive surgery

Pinderfields Hospital is a Regional Burns Centre and provides care for adult patients with the most severe injuries and for those requiring the highest level of critical care. Some children with burn injuries are also treated here. 

About our service

The Regional Burns Service was established in 1966 at Pinderfields Hospital as the first NHS-funded purpose-built facility in Britain for the treatment of major burns. It serves a population of approximately 5 million people across Yorkshire, Humber and North Lincolnshire and encompasses 16 A&E departments, 7 Walk-In Centres and 11 Minor Injury Units.

The burns units is part of the department of plastic surgery.

Please see our Regional Burns Service

Burns Psychology Service

We also offer specialist psychological assessment and intervention to children, young people and adults with burns injuries and their families.

Burns psychology service

Key stat

We treat over 180 adult and 200 paediatric in-patient burn injuries every year. In addition, we provide out-patient and outreach services to over 1,000 patients every year.

Useful videos

See our Youtube channel which features videos for patients with burns injuries, and their families, as well as Burns teaching videos for health care professionals.

Pinderfields Regional Burns Service - YouTube