Patient feedback - Tell us what you think, we are listening

Patient feedback - we are listening

The Trust is committed to providing a first-class service to all our patients. Your feedback is vital to us so that we can improve the areas that need improving and make sure we keep doing the things we are doing right.

Please tell us about your experience through our online survey here

Here at Mid Yorkshire our ambition is to achieve excellent patient experience each and every time. Patients, carers, friends and family are welcome to leave feedback at any point.Please tell us about your experience through our online survey.

The Friends and Family Test question asks “Overall, how was your experience of our service?” and our survey gives the option for you to leave free text feedback as well as rating your experience. 

The comments left, whether on an individual, team or service level, promote ideas for improvement, help celebrate good practice and raise morale.

Feedback via the Friends and Family Test is anonymous and can be given in the following ways:


You can leave your feedback online here. Simply select the type of service and team or ward name you want to leave feedback about. You can also access the survey in a number of alternative languages via this link.

Feedback cards 

You may be offered a card by a staff member for you to share your feedback with us.

QR code

Using your smartphone you can scan the QR code found on some of our posters, leaflets, flyers and on our Friends and Family Test feedback cards that you should see around our wards and departments.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

You can also contact PALS via email: or via telephone 01924 542972 to provide feedback.

You can leave feedback - both good and bad -  via the NHS UK website, where you can also see what others have said about their experience of the Trust. A member of Trust staff will respond in a timely manner to each comment/review.

If you would rather leave your feedback via the telephone, you can call our PALS team on 01924 542972 from 9am until 4pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).

Other ways to tell us what you think

We are ready to listen and want to learn from your experiences

We always aim to provide the best possible care to our patients but sometimes, despite our best efforts, things can go wrong. If you are concerned or unhappy with our services, we want to hear from you so that we can try to put things right as quickly as possible.

When things go wrong we want to act quickly to put them right. If you are not happy with something, then tell a member of staff on the ward or in the clinic as soon as possible. If you are on a ward, ask to speak to the ward manager. If you are in a clinic, ask for help at reception. In most cases, staff will be able to deal with your concerns then and there. 

You can also use the telephone numbers below to contact the relevant manager. If this is not possible or your concerns are not resolved after talking to staff, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS).

Pinderfields Hospital ward details

Pinderfields Hospital ward details:

Pinderfields Hospital ward details
Ward Contact Number


Children's A&E

Stacey Howell

Victoria Bell

01924 541770

01924 541742


Rebecca Scott
Karen Hansson
Tracey Burns

01924 542626

A2 (Neuro Stroke)

Alison Sharp

01924 541957

A4 (Spinal Injuries)

Zoe Jeffery

01924 542045

G11 (Respiratory)

Elizabeth Mason

01924 547362

G12 (AAU)

Rachel Balfour
Jessica Child
David Fowler

01924 541148
01924 543547


Sharon Nutter
Katie Mortimer

01924 541695

G18A (Labour ward)

Claire Webster
Lindsey Hinton

01924 543001

G19 (Neonatal)

Catherine Weaver

01924 541956

G20 (Gastro)

Maria O'Connor

01924 541601

G21 (Haematology)

Mike Hart

01924 542240

G23 (Discharge Lounge)

Soraya Dwomon

01924 541141

G27 (Respiratory, ARCU)

Nicola Smith

01924 542235

G28 (Plastics)

Kate Bilbie

01924 541905
01924 541914

G28A (Hand Therapy)
G28C (Plastics)

Laura Cooper

01924 541901

G29 (Burns/Ambulatory Care)

Claire Swales

01924 541700

G31 Cardiology

Richard Hill

01924 542080

G32 (Diabetes nurses station)

Karen Popple

01924 541508

G32A (ENT/Oral Maxillo Facial)

Chavana Kelly

01924 541784

G33/G33A (Colorectal and General Surgery)

Tammy Buckle

01924 542333

G34 (Gynaecology and Urology)

Lucy Hick

01924 542343

G36/G37 (Surgial Assessment Unit)

Kara Moran

01924 542600

G38 (Elective Surgery)

Ruth Williams 01924 543138 
01924 541800

G40 (Day Surgery)

Hazel Mathews/Angela Drury 01924 541852
01924 541855

G41 (Elderly Acute)

Claire Heppinstall 01924 542413

G42 (Elderly/Orthogeriatric) 

Hilary Massey 01924 542411

G43A (Elderly)

Hayley Ainsworth 01924 546358 

G44 (Acute Gen Med)

Sarah Gray 01924 542440

G45A (Respiratory)

Susan Boulton 01924 542236

G45B (Respiratory)

Nichola Smith 01924 546301

G46 (Children's ward)

Helena Moore 01924 542448

G46 (Children's Burns ward)

Marie Jones  01924 541933

Chemo Day Unit (PGI/DDH)

Donna Grimshaw 01924 541140

Dermatology (Ashton Centre)

Claire Hammond 01924 542019

Diabetes Centre

Heleon Dobson 01924 543844


Angela Dunbar 01924 541724

Palliative Care Team (Rowan House)

Debra Atkinson 01924 543801

Dewsbury and District Hospital ward details

Dewsbury and District Hospital ward details:

Dewsbury and District Hospital ward details
Ward Contact Number
A&E Sarah Warrington 01924 512329
Ward 1

Gemma Quinn

Amy Stones

01924 345490

01924 346323

Ward 4 (Medical step down) Gemma Quinn 01924 512490
Ward 5/6 (Neurology/Stroke) Janet Tennant 01924 346220
Ward 8 (Elderly step down) Katie Sands 01924 319390
Ward 9 (DACE) Jo Kneafsey 01924 319149
Ward 10 (Medical step down) Joanne Foley 01924 816014
Ward 11 (Elderly step down) Emma McNally 01924 816011
Ward 12 Sian Hirst
Maureen Wallis
01924 816012
Ward 14 Maureen Wallis 01924 816001
Ward 15 (Medical step down) Tim Avison 01924 345120
Endoscopy Vikki Jackson 01924 816103


Pontefract Hospital ward details

Pontefract Hospital ward details:

Pontefract Hospital ward details
Ward Contact Number
A&E/UTC Rea Connell 01977 747572
Day Surgery Unit Sian Hirst
Maureen Wallis
01924 345095
Diabetes Centre Diabetes Centre 01977 747930
Children's Outpatient Laure Brooker 01977 777062