Specialist Health Practitioner for Youth Justice Service

four circles with star heart, people and arrow icons inside

About our service

The Specialist Health Practitioner for the Youth Justice Service supports children aged 10-18, who are involved in the youth justice system.

The Specialist Health Practitioner complete holistic health assessments, focusing on physical and emotional health and neurodiversity. They offer specific intervention packages around physical health needs i.e. sleeping, lifestyles, sexual health, life skills; therapeutic interventions for low mood, anxiety, problems with emotional regulation and managing stress and they sign post, refer and support to access other health services. They work across the district, seeing people at home, in school/college, at local centres or at the Youth Justice Centre.

What our patients say

Patients say

I enjoyed talking to Megan

Patients say

I got a C-Card and I could speak

Patients say

It just help me with anything

Key achievements

The Wakefield Youth Justice Service has been awarded with the Achievement For All – Quality Lead mark 2021.

We are currently working towards becoming a trauma informed service.

We recognise the needs of the children who access our service and have specialist provision for speech, language and communication and emotional health and wellbeing.

We offer speech and language assessments and specialist programmes around developing skills in language, literacy and telling the time.

We also have developed our therapeutic offer to include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy.

Links to other support organisations

Life can have its ups and downs, feeling low in mood or worried can get in the way of us doing the things we want to be able to do. Having someone to talk to can be helpful so we can learn to understand and change how we feel.

Support can be found through school – speak to someone you trust and they can get you support from school nurses (you can call them direct on 01924 310130) or primary practitioners. If you feel that you need more help you can go to your GP and ask them to refer you to CAMHS.

If you are 16+ then you can access Talking Therapies - 01924 23486 or https://talking.turning-point.co.uk/wakefield/

Kooth’ is an online service where you can chat to friendly counsellors safely and anonymously on www.kooth.com

You can also contact a 8pm-8am mental help line on 0300200390 or text on 07984392700 or access www.wynightowls.org.uk

WF I Can is a website run by the Youth Work Team that offers advice and support around emotional health and wellbeing, visit https://wf-i-can.co.uk/

The Well Women Centre, is free for all females, offering support around emotional health and wellbeing — 01924 211114 or www.wellwomenwakefield.org.uk/

STAR Bereavement provides support to children and young people in Wakefield who have lost someone — 01924 787384. 

Sometimes when we feel low in mood or worried we can get feelings of wanting to hurt ourselves. If you ever feel like this it is important that you talk to someone at home. If you can’t speak to someone at home you can contact;

  1. Child Line - 0800 1111
  2. Samaritans - 116 123

If you think that you are unable to keep yourself safe please call 999 or go to A&E.