Freedom to Speak Up Guardian

The Trust has appointed a dedicated Freedom to Speak Up Guardian.
Freedom to Speak Up Guardian
The Trust has appointed Shane Townend as its Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, who started full-time in May 2020.
In February 2015, the Freedom to Speak Up review was published to give guidance to how the NHS organisations deal with concerns raised by staff. The aim of the review had been to provide advice and recommendations to ensure that NHS staff in England felt safe to raise concerns, confident that they will be listened to and their concerns will be acted upon. It was led by Sir Robert Francis QCThe report stipulated that all NHS organisations appoint a person to conduct the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian role. This should be outside their normal duties and the role should report to the Chief Executive.
Shane is situated in the Trust Headquarters and Education Centre at Pinderfields and also has an office at Dewsbury Hospital. Concerns can be submitted anonymously, as an independent person or as a group.
You can contact Shane confidentially by email, phone, text or post.
Shane Townend - Freedom to Speak Up Guardian
Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust
Trust Headquarters and Education Centre
Pinderfields Hospital
Aberford Road
Secure email:
Personal email:
Telephone: 01924 541505 (ext 51505)
Mobile: 07712 305 002