Publication Scheme

four circles with star heart, people and arrow icons inside

Our Publication Scheme commits the Trust to make information available to the public as part of our normal business activities. 

Publication Scheme

The Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust publication scheme is based on the model publication scheme prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner. This publication scheme commits the Trust to make information available to the public as part of our normal business activities. The information covered is included in the classes of information mentioned below, where this information is held by the Trust. 

To help you find the information you are looking for, the scheme is split into different sections.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please email the Company Secretary.

What we spend and how we spend it

In this section you will find financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

How we are financed 

NHS trusts are financed in two main ways:

  1. Revenue funding for the day-to-day running of the NHS Trust.
  2. Capital financing, to fund the purchase of assets (buildings and equipment).

The Department of Health allocates funding to Integrated Care Board (ICBs) on the basis of the local needs of their populations. NHS trusts receive most of their revenue funding from ICBs via contractual agreements based on the number of patients that the Trust treats.

Capital is generally financed from internally generated resources such as depreciation.

What we spend and how we spend it

You can find our latest published annual report and annual accounts on our Annual Reports page.

You can find details on our monthly expenditure over £25,000 in the 'Publication of spend' section below.

Every year, external auditors plan and carry out an audit that meets the requirements of the National Audit Office Code of Audit Practice (the Code). Under the Code, they are required to review and report on:

  • The Trust’s financial accounts.
  • The Trust’s approach on Value for Money arrangements, in terms of financial sustainability and governance.

Their annual audit report summarises the significant issues arising from both these areas of work and highlights the key recommendations that they consider should be addressed by our Trust. To see a copy of the latest Annual Audit Report, visit the Annual Reports page.

The Trust Board has appointed Mazars as its external auditors.

Financial responsibilities, policies and procedures

The financial responsibilities, policies and procedures adopted by the Trust are detailed in the Standing Financial Instructions. These are designed to ensure that our financial transactions are carried out in accordance with the law and with Government policy in order to achieve probity, accuracy, economy, efficiency and effectiveness. The procedures for procurement and tendering are contained within the Standing Financial Instructions. The instructions should be read in conjunction with the Scheme of Reservation and Delegation and the Standing Orders, all of which are approved by the Trust Board.

Standing Orders Policy.pdf

Standing Financial Instructions.pdf

Scheme of Reservation and Delegation.pdf 

Information regarding our performance against agreed budgets is contained within the  Trust Board Scorecard received by the Trust Board. Visit the Board meetings and papers page to read Trust Board papers.

The Trust annual report details the remuneration paid to Board members. Staff are also entitled to claim appropriate allowances and expenses in line with Trust policy.

Pay and conditions

The Trust employs staff in line with the national terms and conditions of the NHS. This covers national rates for things such as pay scales (as per the national job evaluation scheme), pensions, annual leave provision and redundancy rates. More information can be found on the NHS Employers website.

Publication of spend

As part of the Government's commitment to greater transparency, there is a requirement to publish all central government expenditure over £25,000 online.

NHS organisations are required to publish all expenditure over £25,000 on a monthly basis.

For our full annual accounts, visit the Annual Reports page.

You can click on the links below to view monthly reports of spending at our Trust over £25,000. This includes all individual invoices, grant payments, expense payments or other transactions that are over £25,000 (excluding pay). Please click on the relevant month to see spending for that period. Each report is available on portable document format (PDF) or as a comma separated value (CSV) file.


2024/25 — monthly report of spend over £25,000

April 2024.[csv] 31KB 

April 2024.[pdf] 277KB 

May 2024.[csv] 31KB

May 2024.[pdf] 275KB

June 2024.[csv] 26KB

June 2024.[pdf] 182KB

July 2024.[csv] 24KB

July 2024.[pdf] 167KB

August 2024.csv[csv] 26KB

August 2024.[pdf] 180KB

September 2024.[csv] 23KB

September 2024.[pdf] 170KB

October 2024. [csv] 28KB

October 2024. [pdf] 189KB

November 2024. [csv] 25KB

November 2024. [pdf] 178KB

December 2024.[csv] 25KB

December 2024. [pdf] 128KB

January 2025.[csv] 29KB

January 2025.[pdf] 145KB

2023/24 - monthly report of spend over £25,000

April 2023.[csv] 36KB

April 2023.[pdf] 216KB

May 2023.[csv] 22KB

May 2023.[pdf] 160KB

June 2023.[csv] 33KB

June 2023.[pdf] 202KB

July 2023.[csv] 26KB

July 2023.[pdf] 177KB

August 2023.[csv] 25KB

August 2023. [pdf] 177KB

September 2023.[csv] 20KB

September 2023.[pdf] 155KB

October 2023.[csv] 23KB

October 2023.[pdf] 167KB

November 2023.[csv] 24KB 

November 2023.[pdf] 172KB 

December 2023.[csv] 26KB 

December 2023.[pdf] 180KB

January 2024.[csv] 24KB 

January 2024.[pdf]174KB 

February 2024.[csv] 20KB

February 2024.[pdf] 158KB

March 2024.csv [csv] 30KB

March 2024.pdf [pdf] 194KB 


2022/23 - monthly report of spend over £25,000

April 2022.[csv] 41KB

April 2022. [pdf] 235KB

May 2022.[csv] 27KB

May 2022.[pdf] 176KB

June 2022.[csv] 34KB

June 2022.[pdf] 204KB

July 2022.[csv] 23KB

July 2022.[pdf] 161KB

August 2022.csv] 24KB

August 2022.[pdf] 172KB

September 2022.[csv] 30KB

September 2022.[pdf] 189KB

October 2022 [csv] 28KB

October 2022 [pdf] 184KB

November 2022 [csv] 26KB

November 2022 [pdf] 178KB

December 2022 [csv] 27KB

December 2022 [pdf] 183KB

January 2023.[csv] 25KB

January 2023.[pdf] 171KB

February 2023.[csv] 23KB

February 2023.[pdf] 161KB

March 2023.[csv] 43KB

March 2023.[pdf] 243KB


2021/22 - monthly report of spend over £25,000

April 2021 [csv] 36KB

April 2021 [pdf] 372KB

May 2021 [csv] 31KB

May 2021 [pdf] 349KB

June 2021 [csv] 28KB

June 2021 [pdf] 337KB

July 2021 [csv] 31KB

July 2021 [pdf] 350KB

August 2021 [csv] 18KB

August 2021 [pdf] 296KB

September 2021 [csv] 26KB

September 2021 [pdf] 326KB

October 2021 [csv] 25KB

October 2021 [pdf] 326KB

November 2021 [csv] 28KB

November 2021 [pdf] 337KB

December 2021 [csv] 32KB

December 2021 [pdf] 200KB

January 2022 [csv] 33KB

January 2022 [pdf] 201KB

February 2022.[csv] 28KB

February 2022. [pdf] 179KB

March 2022. [csv] 43KB

March 2022. [pdf] 243KB


2020/21 - monthly report of spend over £25,000

April 2020 [csv] 22KB

April 2020 [pdf] 314KB

May 2020 [csv] 25KB

May 2020 [pdf] 326KB

June 2020 [csv] 20KB

June 2020 [pdf] 306KB

July 2020 [csv] 23KB

July 2020 [pdf] 323KB

August 2020 [csv] 17KB

August 2020 [pdf] 295KB

September 2020 [csv] 24KB

September 2020 [pdf] 327KB

October 2020 [csv] 21KB

October 2020 [pdf] 315KB

November 2020 [csv] 23KB

November 2020 [pdf] 320KB

December 2020 [csv] 23KB

December 2020 [pdf] 319KB

January 2021 [csv] 23KB

January 2021 [pdf] 320KB

February 2021 [csv] 28KB

February 2021 [pdf] 341KB

March 2021 [csv] 47KB

March 2021 [pdf] 416KB


2019/20 - monthly report of spend over £25,000

April 2019 [csv] 30KB

April 2019 [pdf] 223KB

May 2019 [csv] 42KB

May 2019 [pdf] 246KB

June 2019 [csv] 30KB

June 2019 [pdf] 216KB

July 2019 [csv] 27KB

July 2019 [pdf] 207KB

August 2019 [csv] 20KB

August 2019 [pdf] 304KB

September 2019 [csv] 27KB

September 2019 [pdf] 339KB

October 2019 [csv] 37KB

October 2019 [pdf] 362KB

November 2019 [csv] 30KB

November 2019 [pdf] 338KB

December 2019 [csv] 29KB

December 2019 [pdf] 338KB

January 2020 [csv] 28KB

January 2020 [pdf] 329KB

February 2020 [csv] 28KB

February 2020 [pdf] 335KB

March 2020 [csv] 43KB

March 2020 [pdf] 390KB

Errata invoices over 25k 2019-20 [csv] 2KB

Errata invoices over 25k 2019-20 [pdf] 224KB

2018/19 - monthly reports of spend over £25,000

April 2018 [csv] 14KB

April 2018 [pdf] 158KB

May 2018 [csv] 23KB

May 2018 [pdf] 193KB

June 2018 [csv] 17KB

June 2018 [pdf] 170KB

July 2018 [csv] 22KB

July 2018 [pdf] 190KB

August 2018 [csv] 6KB

August 2018 [pdf] 119KB

September 2018 [csv] 15KB

September 2018 [pdf] 159KB

October 2018 [csv] 24KB

October 2018 [pdf] 188KB

November 2018 [csv] 24KB

November 2018 [pdf] 189KB

December 2018 [csv] 21KB

December 2018 [pdf] 177KB

January 2019 [csv] 23KB

January 2019 [pdf] 185KB

February 2019 [csv] 23KB

February 2019 [pdf] 184KB

March 2019 [csv] 31KB

March 2019 [pdf] 230KB

2017/18 - monthly reports of spend over £25,000

April 2017 [csv] 20KB

April 2017 [pdf] 181KB

May 2017 [csv] 28KB

May 2017 [pdf] 213KB

June 2017 [csv] 15KB

June 2017 [pdf] 163KB

July 2017 [csv] 17KB

July 2017 [pdf] 172KB

August 2017 [csv] 21KB

August 2017 [pdf] 186KB

September 2017 [csv] 14KB

September 2017 [pdf] 158KB

October 2017 [csv] 18KB

October 2017 [pdf] 171KB

November 2017 [csv] 16KB

November 2017 [pdf] 166KB

December 2017 [csv] 16KB

December 2017 [pdf] 165KB

January 2018 [csv] 17KB

January 2018 [pdf] 169KB

February 2018 [csv] 16KB

February 2018 [pdf] 164KB

March 2018 [csv] 22KB

March 2018 [pdf] 192KB


For any further publication of spend information please contact the Finance Department on 01924 543243.

Please note: information on these reports is required to be presented in the format that it was first captured by the system.

As a result, there are some abbreviations and acronyms in the reports. These are explained in the Publication of Spend - Glossary of Terms [pdf] 82KB.

What our priorities are and how we are doing

In this section you will find our strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits inspections and reviews.

Our strategies

Corporate publications

How we make decisions

In this section you will find information regarding our decision-making processes and records of decisions.

Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust (the Trust) is a statutory body which came into existence on 1 April 2002 under The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (Establishment) Order and the Pinderfields and Pontefract Hospitals NHS Trust and the Dewsbury Health Care NHS Trust (Dissolution) Order 2002 No. 1341.

In accordance with the Membership, Procedure and Administration Arrangements regulations the Trust Board is made up non executive and executive directors.

Trust Board structure - read more about the Board members.
Trust Board meetings and papers - read agendas, minutes and papers for Trust Board meetings.

If you are unable to find the item you are looking for, please email the Publication Scheme administrator.

The Board has established a number of sub-committees; an update of these sub-committee meetings are routinely reported to the Trust Board and can be accessed by using the above link.

The Trust is committed to involving members of the public in shaping our services. You can find out more about how we do this below.

Patient and Public Involvement

What is Patient and Public involvement?

Patient and public participation is important because it helps us to improve all aspects of health care, including patient safety, patient experience and health outcomes – giving people the power to live healthier lives.

Involvement, by the people who use and care about NHS services, enables us to understand and respond to their needs; including those people who have the poorest health. This helps us to improve access to services and reduce differences in health in different communities. It allows us to see things through the eyes of those who use services and to be innovative, leading to better use of taxpayers’ money.

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)

PPI is the way in which patients, the public, service users and carers can:

  • Influence their own care and treatment.
  • Have a say in the way services are planned and run.
  • Help bring about improvements to the way care is provided.

Patients have a right to:

  • Good treatment in a comfortable, caring and safe environment, delivered in a calm and reassuring way.
  • Information to enable them to make choices, to feel confident, and to feel in control.
  • Be talked to and listened to as an equal.
  • Be treated with honesty, respect and dignity.

Why the Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust involves the public

Involving the public in the work of the Trust results in a number of benefits:

  • Well-informed people make better, more effective use of services which leads to better use of resources.
  • Services can be better targeted to the needs of different communities.
  • Better feedback enables service problems to be resolved more quickly and accurately and leads to service improvements.
  • Services can respond to, and be driven by, the needs of patients, partners and staff.
  • If PPI mechanisms are in place, some decision making can be made at local level by service users.


Health and health services play a significant part in all our lives. As the provider of acute hospital services to local people, our Trust and its activities are naturally of interest to a wide range of individuals, groups and organisations. All of these people are our stakeholders.

We work to ensure that our stakeholders are regularly updated about everything significant we do through regularly updateing. We will also listen and learn from what local people have to say about our services before change is made or decisions are taken.  

Effective stakeholder engagement requires strong and enduring relationships between the Trust and local people. That is why we welcome the involvement and opinion of the public about our services, some of which is reflected in our Friends and Family Test.

The Friends and Family Test aims to give patients the opportunity to feed back their views of the care or treatment they have received in hospital. This will enable the Trust to engage with patients, celebrate areas of good practice and target areas for improvement. 

West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board

The Trust is an active member of the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WYHCP), whose mission is to reduce health inequalities, manage unwarranted variation in care, use collective resources wisely and secure wider benefits of investing in health and care. The partnership operates through the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (WYICB), which became a statutory organisation in July 2022, and through local partnership committees in the Kirklees and Wakefield Places, including health, social care, and voluntary organisations to foster collaboration and holistic care.

The ICB has four strategic objectives:

  • Strategic objective one – Reduce health inequalities: for example, if you’re a child or young person living in West Yorkshire, you are more than twice likely to live in a poorer area than the average England resident.
  • Strategic objective two – Manage unwarranted variations in care: for example, timely identification of deterioration in the health of people with learning disabilities, reduce unnecessary hospital admissions, promote health positively and reduce premature mortality.
  • Strategic objective three – Secure the wider benefits of investing in health and care: for example, NHS investment in supporting local independent social care includes £12million for councils to pay the national living wage in advance of the 1 April 2022, to help retain staff.
  • Strategic objective four – Use our collective resources wisely.

The Trust also works as part of the West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts (WYAAT) to develop opportunities for joint working with other hospitals where there are benefits for our local population.



Our policies and procedures

If you would like to request a policy or procedure document from the Trust, please contact us.


Lists and registers

In this section you will find out how to access our publicly available registers, such as receipt of gifts and hospitality.

Declaration of interests, gifts, hospitality and sponsorship

A register of interests of members of the Trust Board and decision-making individuals is maintained by the Company Secretary and is available on the Our Board page. The Company Secretary also maintains a register of interests, gifts, hospitality and sponsorship for all staff.

To access any of the items, please email

Register of interests for decision making staff

In this document, you can find the staff declarations for decision making -  Decision making staff declarations at 31.03.24.pdf[pdf] 154KB 

Fees and charges

There is no fee for processing requests for access to health records, unless the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.

Publication scheme fees and charges

The Freedom of Information Act and the associated Fees Regulations stipulate that we cannot levy a fee for information unless there is a statutory basis for doing so. However, we are allowed to charge for disbursements related to the provision of information and any reformatting requested by the applicant provided we ensure that applicants are aware of any charges which may be made.

No charges will be made for any information accessed via our website.

For any information which is provided in hard copy and where there is no statutory provisions for charges, we may charge for photocopying (50p per sheet), reformatting (applicant will be informed prior to producing information regarding the charge dependent upon the amount of materials used, e.g. CD, paper, etc) and postage.

NHS Provider Licence Self Certification

The NHS provider licence was first introduced for NHS foundation trusts in 2013 and extended to NHS trusts from April 2023. It was introduced for independent providers in 2014. The NHS provider licence forms part of the oversight arrangements for the NHS. It sets out conditions that providers of NHS-funded healthcare services in England must meet to help ensure that the health sector works for the benefit of patients, now and in the future. All NHS foundation trusts and NHS trusts are required to hold a licence. 

Since April 2017 NHS Trusts were required to make a self-certification against the NHS Provider Licence. Under these old arrangements the Trust Board approved the self certification for 2022 and the document can be accessed below:

NHS Provider Licence Self Certification 2023 [pdf]

From April 2023 new arrangements are in place. The Trust has been given a Provider Licence and will be required to make a more detailed declaration at the end of the year relating to new conditions published by NHS England, which can be accessed below:

NHS Provider Licence: standard conditions

Freedom of Information requests

The Trust policy is to be open and honest about everything we do. On average, we receive between 650 and 700 requests for information supported by the Freedom of Information Act (known as FOIs).

Our most popular requests for information

We get asked about some things more often than others. Here is a list of our most common FOI requests received over the last year, along with our response. If you are thinking about submitting an FOI request, you might want to look through these requests and our responses to see if we might have already answered your question.

Estates and Facilities

Information to be updated soon


Information to be updated soon

IT and Telecommunications

Information to be updated soon

Hospital services and access

Information to be updated soon

Trust and Hospital staff

Information to be updated soon

The Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 gives members of the public the right to information about government, public services and how they are run.

The Freedom of Information Act gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities, sets out exemptions from that right and places a number of obligations on public authorities. Any person who makes a request to a public authority for information must be informed whether that information is held and, subject to certain exemptions, the information must be supplied.

Every public authority is required to adopt and maintain a Publication Scheme setting out how it will publish the different classes of information it holds and whether there is a charge for the information.

For more information about the Freedom of Information Act in Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust, please click on the following links:

Making a Freedom of Information (FOI) request

Any requests for information should be made in writing or via email to:

FOI Lead
Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust
Trust HQ and Education Centre
Pinderfields Hospital
Aberford Road


Requests for access to medical records do not fall within the Act. These should be made in writing to:

Access to Medical Records
Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust
Trust HQ and Education Centre
Pinderfields Hospital
Aberford Road

Telephone: 01924 543697/543700

Freedom of Information request fees and charges

Depending on what information you have requested, there may be a charge for the copying of the materials that you are seeking. In the majority of cases, the Trust will absorb this cost.

If it is necessary to make a charge we will contact you to confirm whether you still wish to proceed with the request.

In estimating whether a request would exceed the appropriate limit (£450 - this is the amount it is has cost us to determine whether we hold the information, locate the information, retrieve the information and extract the information) we can then ask for a fee (Section 12 exemption under the Freedom of Information Act 2000).

Where the time involved in us undertaking activities in trying to retrieve the information exceeds 18 hours (equals £450 at a cost of £25 per hour per person) we can then ask for a fee.

In this case we will contact you to establish whether you wish to:

  • Amend the request so that the cost is reduced to below £450.
  • No longer proceed with the request.

If you wish to still obtain the information, the maximum fee that can be charged is described in the Fees Regulations (Section 12 exemption under the Freedom of information Act 2000):

  • The costs which the Trust may take into account in calculating that the appropriate limit (£450) was exceeded.
  • Communication costs.
  • Staff time, at £25 per hour per person.

Where the cost of compliance does not exceed the appropriate limit (£450), the request must be complied with and the information released unless an exemption applies.