Speech and language therapy (adults)

About our service
The Adult Speech and Language Therapy team work with people who have difficulty with their communication or swallowing. These difficulties may be due to Stroke, Acquired brain injury, Dementia, Parkinsons, Multiple sclerosis, Motor neurone disease, Other progressive neurological conditions or Respiratory conditions, such as Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Our service includes:
- Assessment and management of acquired disorders of communication and/or swallowing arising from sudden onset or progressive illnesses in adult life
- Advice and support to family and carers
- Professional liaison with and in service training to colleagues in the hospitals and in the community and the region
- Joint working with colleagues in health and social care and with voluntary sector support services to facilitate effective care for service users.
Acute service
We see clients who are inpatients in Pinderfields, Dewsbury and Pontefract Hospitals.
Adults with Learning Disabilities are covered by the acute SaLT service in conjunction with the Learning Disabilities Speech and Language Therapy team.
In the community we see clients who are registered with a Wakefield GP, living in their own homes, nursing and residential homes and other community venues on request as appropriate (e.g. hospices).
We accept referrals from healthcare professionals such as GP, Consultants, Physiotherapists as well as Social Workers or care home staff. Referrals can be sent by post, email or electronically on SystmOne.
Voice disorders
We offer advice and therapy for patients referred from ENT with voice and swallowing difficulties who are registered with a Wakefield or North Kirklees GP. We provide outpatient clinics at Pinderfields Hospital as well as phone or telehealth appointments. We work closely with ENT colleagues and run a monthly specialist voice clinic for patients with complex voice disorders. We also provide specialist advice for any ward patients with voice problems.
Head and neck cancer
In conjunction with the Macmillan Head and Neck Cancer team we provide a service for clients before and after treatment for Head and Neck Cancer under the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Multi-Disciplinary Team.
Dysfluency (stuttering)
We are not commissioned to offer a service however clients can be referred to the Leeds Dysfluency Service.
In addition, we advise them to contact the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and the British Stammering Association for further information and advice.
Learning Disabilities
Adults who have a diagnosed Learning Disability living in the community who have swallowing or communication needs can access the Learning Disability service via their healthcare professional.
Wakefield Learning Disability Service: 01924 316 923