Complex Needs

Complex needs nurse and female patient having a conversation

We are a dedicated service that works with patients with complex needs, their families and carers.

How we can help

We aim to improve patient experience by:

  • Having a dedicated service that works with patients with complex needs, their families and carers, helping them to access our hospitals and providing support for them in a patient-centred way.
  • Providing someone for patients and carers to contact if they have a concern or a worry about coming to hospital.
  • Making patient information more accessible.
  • Organising pre-admission visits for patients to make them feel more confident and comfortable about their visit to hospital.
  • Providing advice about the Mental Capacity Act 2005, consent to treatment and facilitating ‘best interest meetings’.
  • Finding out what the hospital needs to do differently to meet patients’ needs and making agreed reasonable adjustments happen.
  • Creating patient centred care pathways to facilitate treatment.
  • Having champions (staff within our hospitals who have accepted additional responsibilities around the care and treatment of patients with complex needs).
  • Providing a hospital passport which informs hospital staff of the ‘need to know’ information about you.

Offering adjusted surgical pathways to support patients with a complex need when accessing the hospital for surgery.

MY Health Passport is designed to inform hospital staff of the ‘need to know’ information about you and your health needs.

It also has other useful information, such as your likes, dislikes, how you communicate and any reasonable adjustments that you might need.

MY Health Passport Editable PDF FINAL.pdf[pdf] 2MB

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