
About our service
We provide a gynaecology service for the diagnosis and treatment of women with gynaecological problems, including specialist services for endometriosis, urogynaecology and cancer. The service includes outpatient clinics, day case surgery and in-patient facilities (for patients who need to stay at least one night). There are outpatient services on all three sites of the Trust - Pontefract, Pinderfields and Dewsbury.
The service includes an emergency Gynaecology Assessment Unit (GAU), that is open seven days a week, Monday to Friday, 8.30am-6pm and Saturday/Sunday 8.30am-12.30pm which your GP can access if needed.
The GAU incorporates early pregnancy assessment providing care for women and their partners who have suffered early pregnancy loss, such as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.
The gynaecology in-patient service is located on the Pinderfields and Dewsbury hospital sites, providing pre and post-operative care for minor and major gynaecological surgery, for example hysterectomy. All patients will attend a pre-assessment clinic prior to the day of surgery to check everything is fine to go ahead.
Patient information leaflets - Gynaecology
Anti D Immunoglobulin information.pdf 170KB
Chrorionic haemorrhage.pdf 153KB
Help and advice following a miscarriage.pdf 204KB
B-hcg Human Chorionic Gonadotophin .pdf 155KB
Medical management of miscarriage.pdf 170KB
Natural management of miscarriage.pdf 168KB
Surgical management of miscarriage.pdf 168KB
Surgical management of miscarriage (MVA).pdf 184KB
Bleeding in pregnancy a threatened miscarriage.pdf 155KB
Methotrexate in ectopic pregnancy.pdf 184KB
Post Menopausal Bleeding clinic.pdf [pdf] 211KB
Leaflets from Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership:
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).pdf [pdf] 426KB
What is Perimenopause.pdf [pdf] 745KB