After cancer treatment

After cancer treatment
For some people, the end of treatment means they are likely to not need any more cancer treatment. For others, it is about managing the cancer over a longer period of time with intermittent treatments.
When treatment finishes you should have the following:
- Contact details of a key worker (usually your cancer specialist nurse) in case you have questions or concerns.
- An understanding of your follow up plan, which may include clinic reviews or not, depending on your cancer type.
- An understanding if you require blood tests, scans or other tests as part of your follow up plan.
When treatment ends your team will work to develop a personalised care and support plan which includes the following elements:
- An Holistic Needs Assessment
- Personalised care and support plan
- Treatment Summary
You can also find information on immediate and long-term effects of cancer and treatments on the Macmillan website.
If you require any further support with your health and wellbeing it is available through the Macmillan Information and Support Service at Pinderfields Hospital
Cancer Care Review
Your GP or practice nurse will contact you to check on your progress once your treatment is complete. This review is a chance to talk about:
- How you are feeling
- Any changes in your concerns
- Any new worries you may have
This conversation will allow the GP/Nurse to refer you for additional support if needed.
FInd out more on the Macmillan website.