Diabetic Eye Screening

Diabetic Eye Screening aims to reduce the risk of sight loss due to diabetes by identifying sight-threatening changes to your eyes that you do not notice.
Important information
From 1 April 2023, the Leeds and Mid Yorkshire Diabetic Eye Screening Programme will be provided by InHealth Intelligence Ltd.
If you use this service, you will be contacted and invited to your next screening appointment. You do not need to do anything.
Your screening records will be securely transferred to InHealth Intelligence Ltd. This will be supported by NHS England North East and Yorkshire to ensure that your individual data and screening history is held securely and only accessible by the healthcare professionals directly involved in your care.
Contact details
Bookings Office: 0113 867 2500
Enquiries email: Enquiries.LMYDESP@nhs.net
Key stats
- Diabetic Retinopathy is one of the leading causes of blindness in people of working age however if it is detected early it can be easily treated.
- Diabetes can affect the small blood vessels in the part of your eye called the retina (the seeing part of the eye).
- Regular screening for diabetic retinopathy is essential to help prevent sight loss from diabetes.
What to bring to your appointment
Please bring the following with you to your appointment:
- Your screening invitation letter.
- All the glasses and contact lenses you wear along with lens solution for your contacts lenses as you will need to take these out at your appointment.
- Bring sunglasses as your eyes can feel sensitive after the eye drops.
For more information read Your guide to diabetic eye screening at the Gov.UK website.
What happens during the appointment?
You will be asked to confirm your details such as your name, address, date of birth, contact telephone numbers and your GP name.
- Sight test - you'll be asked to read some letters on a chart or a picture chart.
- Drops are then put in your eyes. These may sting for a few seconds. The drops make your sight blurry.
- When the drops start working and your pupils are large enough for the photographer to take photographs of your eyes, you will be asked to look into a camera and look at some lights while photographs are taken.
- The camera will not touch your eyes.
- There will be a bright flash when the photographs are taken.
- Your appointment will usually last about 30 minutes in total.
Links to support organisations
- Government website:Your guide to diabetic eye screening
- Government website: Diabetic eye screening: easy read guide
- Digibete website: help young people, families and communities to manage Type 1 Diabetes
- Diabetes UK website: Advice for people with diabetes and their families
- A short film by Diabetes UK Diabetes and retinopathy awareness "What would you miss?"