Adult District Nursing

Community nursing provides invaluable care to people in their own homes, care homes or close to where they live in clinics and GP practices.
About our service
The service provides individual, personalised care to the people, involving their family, carers and referring to other healthcare teams if necessary.
The Community Nursing team also works with other health and social care staff to:
- Provide safe and effective care using a multi professional approach
- Reduce unnecessary hospital admissions, support discharge from hospital and keep people in their own homes as long as possible
- Work with other professionals, patients and their carers to provide consistent care
- Work with patients to be as independent as possible and help them manage their own care
- Provide advice and recommend additional healthcare services to patients, family and carers.
Conditions we treat
We provide a wide range of services for people including:
The diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer
The diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases such as difficult eczema, psoriasis and lupus
Skin cancer nurse specialist services
Consultant led hair clinics
Consultant led patch testing service
Paediatric nurse led eczema clinics
Nurse led drug monitoring clinics
Minor surgery (doctor and nurse led)