Children’s Assessment Units

The areas provide a dedicated service, where children are cared for separately from adults, to receive the highest level of emergency care.
Closure to the A&E car park
Access to the A&E car park will be closed off whilst we carry out some upgrade and maintenance works. If you urgently need to attend the Children's Assessment Unit (CAU), please use the emergency A&E drop off area where you will be able to leave your car for the duration.
- If you need to drop off a patient urgently, please follow signs to the A&E emergency drop off area.
- For car parking – please park in the main visitor car park. The A&E car pack will be closed.
Children’s Assessment Units
Children’s Assessment Unit at Pinderfields Hospital
The Children's Emergency Department and Children’s Assessment Unit are located next to each other so that the two teams work seamlessly together to provide better care for children and their families, and help reduce the time that children spend in hospital. The areas provide a dedicated service, where children are cared for separately from adults, to receive the highest level of emergency care.
The Children’s Assessment Unit has 3 cubicles, 2 four bedded bays, a treatment/stabilisation room, and a playroom/waiting area. Children seen here have been referred by Primary Care or the Emergency Department. Children are assessed by hospital staff and observed for a short period of time if needed. If a longer period of observation or treatment is needed they will be admitted to the inpatient Children’s ward.
Children’s Assessment Unit at Dewsbury and District Hospital
The Children’s Assessment Unit at Dewsbury Hospital is located next to the Emergency Department. It is open from 10am to 10pm daily to care for children with less serious illness or injuries who need to be observed by hospital staff for a short period of time. Some children with more serious illness may be sent directly to Pinderfields Children’s Assessment Unit.
Children seen on the Assessment Unit have been referred by Primary Care or the Emergency Department. The Children’s Assessment Unit has 5 cubicles, 3 beds, a treatment room and a waiting area. Children are assessed by hospital staff and observed for a short period of time if needed.
Children who need to be admitted to hospital overnight or for a longer period will be cared for at Pinderfields Hospital. If needed transfer across to Pinderfields by ambulance will be arranged.