Living with pain

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Living with pain

Welcome to our collection of trusted resources exploring how people live and cope with their pain. This covers different aspects of pain management.

Nurse speaking with pain

Pain management - what is it?

Pain management is about the normal things you do to help you live with your pain every day. On this page, you can learn all about managing pain and the different ways to treat pain, including changes in activity or habits. You can also find out how to cope better with the feelings that living with pain can bring. This information will help you understand how to handle long-lasting pain better, which is important whether you're just starting to learn or want to know more.

Below are some useful videos that talk about pain management and how best to cope with it:

Tame The Beast - It's time to rethink persistent pain

Understanding pain in less than 5 minutes, and what to do about it!

Pain and Me: Tamar Pincus talks about chronic pain, acceptance and commitment


Acute Pain vs Chronic Pain

Understanding the complexity of pain

Pain concern - what is self management? 

Flippin Pain - pain science for non-pain specialists (03.02.21)

Audio pain management playlist (produced by Tom Shelton, based on an old pain management group from PMS)

Coping and recovery graphs for people in persistent pain


These websites and guides have lots of helpful ideas about living with pain. Take your time to check them out and learn how to live with your pain better:

Pain Toolkit 

Live well with pain

Greg Lehman- Chronic Pain Recovery strategies

Flippin Pain

Useful organisations

Useful organisations

These groups have helpful ideas for dealing with feelings like pain, sadness, and frustration. They can also offer practical help. They can help you if you get in contact with them directly.

Help with aids or changes to your home:
Kirklees aids and adaptations team (accessible homes team): 01484 225335
Wakefield aids and adaptations team: 01977 722 220

For help with driving adaptation:
William Merritt centre

For help with how your pain makes you feel emotionally, visit:
Kirklees IAPT
Wakefield district IAPT (Turning Point)

Charities to help with feeling sad, angry, anxious or worried:
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)

Help for women:
Kirklees women’s centre
Well woman centre Wakefield

Help for men:
Andy’s Man Club - mental health organisation for men
Men’s Shed org

If things get really tough and you are worried about how you are thinking and feeling it can be good to speak to individuals from these teams:
Wakefield Crisis team (24 hours a day): 0800 1830558
Kirklees Crisis team (24 hours a day): 0800 1830558
Samaritans Wakefield: You can also email or call 116 123

Charities for chronic pain conditions: 08005200520
Fibromyalgia action UK: 0300 999 3333 (10am - 4pm Mon - Fri) 
Benefits Helpline 0300 999 0055 (10am - 12pm Mon, Wed and Fri)
Pain Concern: 0300 1230789

For help with pain, mental health and hobbies and interests:
Calderdale and Kirklees Recovery and Wellbeing College
Wakefield Recovery and Wellbeing College

For support with returning to interests or hobbies or trying new things out:
Wakefield and district University of the third age
Huddersfield and district University of the third age

Pain psychology

It is normal to feel sad, angry, worried, low, and lots of tough feelings when you have pain every day. Watch these videos to learn how psychology can help with ongoing pain. They have tips to make life easier, even when you are faced with pain and can’t do the things you want to.

Pain and Me: Tamar Pincus talks about chronic pain, acceptance and commitment

Tamar Pincus: Psychology in People with Pain - Why it Matters (Part 1)

Tamar Pincus: Psychology in People with Pain - Why it Matters (Part 2)

Psychology models


Values vs Goals ACT (Dr Russ Harris) 

These useful links are a collection of websites to explore. They include advice on different ways to help when we are dealing with pain::

Get Self Help

ACT mindfully

If things get really tough and you are worried about how you are thinking and feeling it can be good to speak to individuals from these teams:

Wakefield Crisis team (24 hours a day): 0800 1830558
Kirklees Crisis team (24 hours a day): 0800 1830558

Samaritans Wakefield: 
You can also email or call 116 123

Activity and exercise

These exercise videos are for people with long-term pain. They cover different exercises like circuit training, yoga, and more. Remember, only do what you think is right for you. If you're not sure, talk to a doctor, physio or exercise professional first.

Versus Arthritis: Let’s move with Leon series

Session 1:

Session 2:

Session 3:

Session 4: Strength - lower body:

Session 5: Upper body strength:

Session 6: Core strength:

Session 7: Cardiovascular and respiratory fitness:

Session 8: Balance and coordination:

Session 9: Posture and stability:

Session 10: Principles of training:

Session 11: Flexibility:



Arthritis Exercises (Mid Yorkshire)

Hand arthritis exercises (Mid Yorkshire)

Chair exercises (Chelsea and Westminster playlist)

Beginner yoga  (Chelsea and Westminster playlist)  

Beginner Pilates (Chelsea and Westminster playlist)

Tai Chi for beginners (Don Fiore)


The following websites also have a range of ideas on exercise you could try:

Versus Arthritis exercise 

NHS Scotland exercises 

NHS exercise guidance

Pain relaxation

Relax with calming music and words to help when pain makes you stressed, anxious, low or upset:

Pain relaxation