
Welcome to Endoscopy. We aim to provide all the information you might need on these pages so that your visit to us is pleasant and runs smoothly.

About our service

Our JAG accredited Endoscopy service provides investigation and treatment of conditions that occur within the oesophagus (food pipe), stomach and bowels, the ducts around the liver and gall bladder, and also within the chest.

We strive to provide our patients with high-quality, evidence-based care that is in line with the core values of the Trust; promoting privacy and dignity at all times.

This website takes you through the patient journey and shares information that will help you have the best experience with us on the day of your test.

What to expect when you visit Endoscopy

When you attend for your endoscopy procedure you will go through a number of areas while you are with us:


When you arrive, check in at reception and take a seat.


A nurse will complete some paperwork with you to ensure we have all the correct information needed to complete your procedure and keep you safe.

If needed, you will be given a gown to change into.

Waiting room

Wait in the endoscopy unit waiting room to be called through for your procedure.


Your endoscopist will talk to you in private about your procedure and answer any questions you may have before asking you to sign your consent form .

Procedure Room

This is where your procedure will take place.


Once your procedure is complete, you will be taken to the recovery area where the nursing staff will monitor you for a short time to ensure you are well enough to go home.


You will be given information about your procedure and any follow-up instructions that you need before you go home.

Please remember:

  • Your appointment time is the time you will be admitted to the Endoscopy unit, not the time that you will have your test.
  • There is usually more than one endoscopy list running so other people may be called through before you.
  • We do all that we can to allow the necessary time to do any particular test but sometimes things take longer than expected which may cause delays. We are very grateful for your patience in this circumstance; please be assured every patient gets the time needed to complete their test safely and thoroughly, including you.

What our patients say

Patients say

Excellent from start to finish.

Patients say

Very good, very reassuring.

Patients say

It has been good all staff were helpful and caring.

Patients say

Everything was excellent. Friendly staff. Excellent refreshments.

Patients say

My experience within endoscopy was from beginning to end excellent. Everyone involved could not be faulted

Latest news

Our Endoscopy Service will soon be delivering colon capsule endoscopy in addition to regular endoscopic bowel screening.

Links to other services

After you attend Endoscopy, we may ask other teams within the Trust to be involved with your care, such as Radiology or Dietetics. Sometimes the Endoscopy units are involved in research projects and we may ask if you would like to be involved in this. In this case, a colleague from the Research team will discuss what is involved with you to see if you would like to take part.

Meet the Team

Andrea Nicholls My name is Andrea Nicholls and I am Consultant Nurse Endoscopist for the endoscopy service at MYHT. I have been in post since June 2020. My speciality is Upper GI endoscopy although I am trained in lower GI endoscopy too, but tend to leave this to practitioners more adept to this procedure now.

I have worked in gastroenterology and endoscopy all my working life having qualified as a nurse in 1988. I have spent the last 20 years as an endoscopist. I have a passion for teaching and training and have trained many endoscopists, both medical and nursing over the years. I have recently extended my teaching skills, following the completion of a Master’s degree in Clinical Education, having undertaken the role of lecturer in adult nursing at the University of Leeds where I played a pivotal role in the delivery of the Independent and Supplementary Prescribing Module for Nurses and Midwives.

My vision is for a truly collaborative endoscopy workforce at MYHT who will drive the quality and safety agenda throughout the 21st century.

My personal life is centred around friends, family and my crazy sprocker spaniel, Lizzie. My love of the outdoors gets me out walking and gardening, I love nothing more than to get my walking boots on and head off to the hills for fresh air and the odd pint and a sausage roll in Keswick.


Sarah Moody I’m Sarah Moody, a Nurse Endoscopist. I joined the Trust in early 2020 and specialise in Upper Gastrointestinal Diagnostic Endoscopy. I haven’t always been a nurse, I initially trained as a musician and somehow found my way into investment banking! However, I decided on a complete career change to follow my heart and retrained as a nurse in 2003.

I’ve spent most of my career working in Gastroenterology – including wards, theatres and endoscopy. I became a Gastroenterology Specialist Nurse in 2014, mainly delivering caring to patients with inflammatory bowel disease and managing the biologics treatment service. Nurse endoscopy training was an integrated part of this role so I began my training in 2016 and haven’t looked back.

I have a real passion for Upper GI endoscopy which I am able to fulfil here at MYHT through work with cancer services and surveillance programmes. I also take a keen interest in service development and currently act as support for the Gastroenterology Governance Lead.

I’m lucky enough to live right by the Pennine Way so enjoy walking with friends whenever I can….I even try to tempt my aging Border Terrier, Archie, out with me on occasion.

Catheryn everettMy name is Cathryn Everett, although I prefer to be called Cathy. I am a Nurse Endoscopist for the Endoscopy service. I have been in post since July 2019 as a Trainee Nurse Endoscopist, qualifying in September 2020 in Upper GI Endoscopy. I have worked as an Endoscopy Nurse for 20 years and enjoy all aspects of Endoscopy. Prior to this I worked as a Registered Nurse within Paediatrics for 5 years and then moved to Endoscopy and haven't looked back since.

I have a passion for Upper GI Endoscopy and I am able to full fill my role at MYHT whilst working with an incredible team who share the same passion in cancer services and surveillance. I am very new to the role and I am thoroughly enjoying the journey and development.

Outside of work I am a proud hands on mum of 4 children , 2 whom have flown the nest. We spend most of the weekends at our static caravan on the east coast, enjoying coastal walks, fresh sea air and family time. 


My name is Nicola Trowse and I am a Matron I have been a registered nurse since qualifying in 2002. My background is in acute medicine working on the acute assessment units before becoming ward manager on AAU at Pinderfields.

In 2019, I was successful in becoming matron for Gastroenterology and Hepatology which includes the endoscopy unit at all 3 sites. I love my role and enjoy working with an amazing team.

I also enjoy cooking, reading and walking with the dog.


Dr John Hutchinson, Head of Clinical Services for: Gastroenterology, Endoscopy and Hepatology

Dr John Hutchinson graduated from Leeds Medical School in 2003 and completed his PhD in 2016.

He undertook his specialty training in in the Yorkshire region, spending a year on the Leeds Liver Transplant Unit and then four years as a consultant Hepatologist at York before moving here in August 2019; where he specialises in all aspects of Hepatology.

Dr Hutchinson is specially trained in advanced endoscopic procedures including ERCP and variceal management. He was appointment as Head of Services for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy in February 2020.