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Updated information regarding Norovirus

Talib Yaseen, Chief Nursing Officer at Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust said:
“We are currently experiencing an increase in norovirus cases at Pinderfields and Dewsbury Hospitals, something which is unusual for this time of year.
“To help prevent the further spread and to keep our patients, visitors and staff safe we have introduced full visiting restrictions at Pinderfields and Dewsbury Hospitals.
“There are of course some exceptions to this. Exceptions include visitors who's loved ones are receiving end of life care, or if the person visiting is the patient’s carer. Visitors are still welcome on our maternity and paediatric wards and ICU. There are currently no visiting restrictions in place at Pontefract Hospital."
“For those within the exception, or visiting Pontefract Hospital, the biggest step you can take to reduce the risk of infection is to prioritise good hand hygiene by washing your hands regularly with soap and water. If you are experiencing symptoms of diarrhoea or vomiting, or have been in contact with anyone with these symptoms in the last 48 hours, please do not visit any of our hospital sites."
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