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Stay safe in the hot weather

Please remember that extreme heat and sun can pose a health risk, so be sure to look after yourself by taking regular breaks and staying hydrated.
It is vital to stay hydrated with plenty of cool drinks and keep as cool as possible. Especially those considered vulnerable either due to their condition (age, having a chronic or severe illness or an inability to adapt behavior to remain cool), or because of medication.
The NHS website has information about hot weather and health:
General advice from UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) on keeping safe in the heat is:
- Try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm.
- Apply sunscreen of at least SPF30 with 4- or 5-star UVA protection.
- Wear UV sunglasses, preferably wraparound, to reduce UV exposure to the eyes.
- Wear light, loose-fitting cotton clothes, a hat and a light scarf.
- Drink lots of cool drinks.
- Look out for others especially vulnerable groups such as older people, young children and babies and those with serious illnesses.
- Never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicles, especially infants, young children, or animals.
For further information please click on the link below:
Cool drinks are effective at cooling the body’s internal temperatures.
A video produced by the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board about why hydration is important in avoiding infections and preventing antibiotic resistance, is available on YouTube here.
You can check the Met Office forecast for regular updates.
Thank you.