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Non-surgical oncology ward officially opens at HRI in partnership with Mid Yorkshire Teaching Trust

A newly-refurbished inpatient unit for the specialist treatment of cancer officially opened this week at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, marking a partnership arrangement with The Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust (MYTT).
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT) and MYTT now work together as part of the West Yorkshire South Sector providing non-surgical oncology (NSO) services. The new beds and assessment unit will support residents of Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield who require hospital admission as part of their cancer treatment. The facilities will also help support the expanded provision of an Acute Oncology helpline, providing advice and support to patients.
To mark the occasion, Ward 11b invited Claire (pictured), a former patient at CHFT, to officially open the ward. Claire has been receiving care for terminal breast cancer since 2018 and is very familiar with both the staff and the service.
When asked about her experience of care on the ward, Claire said: “All the staff here are phenomenal. Previously, if I had been unwell, I would have had to go to A&E and wait there to be seen. Now, I can ring the Acute Oncology helpline directly, speak to someone who knows me, and be admitted directly onto the ward.
“I never feel anxious coming into the hospital, as many patients do, as I know the staff and the facilities here are exceptional.”
Colleagues from both trusts attended the opening, including those working in the service and members of the procurement and estates teams who supported the refurbishment.
Rob Aitchison, Deputy Chief Executive at CHFT, commented: ““This isn’t a typical service – this opening marks 24 months of hard work and partnership working, and is only the beginning of both trusts being able to provide even better care for cancer patents. These improvements wouldn’t have been possible without the continued efforts and commitment of those working within the oncology services at CHFT and MYTT.”
Chris Lord-Tyrer, Matron for Cancer Services at CHFT, thanked everyone involved in establishing the service across CHFT and MYTT, and said he was incredibly proud of the team.
For more information about the NSO Programme, visit the NSO website .