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Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust’s Annual General Meeting

People from our local community are invited to Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday 12 September.
This year’s meeting will be held in person in the Trust HQ and Education Centre, Pinderfields Hospital, Aberford Road, Wakefield, WF1 4DG. You are encouraged to attend in person but as an alternative you can join the meeting via the MS Teams link available on the Trust’s website:
Colleagues at the Trust will be showcasing their great work at a marketplace which will be held at 4.15pm before the formal meeting takes place. This year, in addition to reflecting on our accomplishments, the public will have the chance to interact with our staff regarding our future plans and initiatives and discover how we are addressing the challenges we face as an NHS organisation.
The formal meeting will begin at 5pm featuring presentations from the Trust’s Chair, the Chief Executive and the Chief Finance Officer on the Trust’s achievements and challenges, and the Annual Report and Accounts for 2023/24, copies of which will be available at the event.
After the presentations, members of the audience will be able to direct questions to the panel, including Trust Board members.
If you wish to submit a question for response by the Trust Board at the meeting, please do so via email to by midday on Tuesday 10 September.