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Have your say on how health services are delivered across West Yorkshire
NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (NHS WY ICB) is asking people and communities to come forward and share their views on how health services should be delivered to them locally, and across West Yorkshire.
With the passing of the Health and Care Act 2022, there is a requirement for integrated care systems (like the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership) to develop a five-year integrated health and social care strategy and for integrated care boards to develop a joint forward plan to deliver the NHS components.
Building on the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (WY HCP) Five-Year Strategy ‘Better health and wellbeing for everyone’ published in 2020, the Partnership has coproduced a refreshed draft strategy. The Partnership is now seeking people’s views on how its ambitions for the NHS will be achieved in a new Joint Forward Plan for the area. The plan will be published in June 2023.
The refreshed draft Integrated Care Strategy has been developed from what people, communities and staff have said about health and social care services in Bradford District and Craven, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield District. Coproduced in partnership with colleagues from across all health and care sectors, it has been developed from Healthwatch engagement, local involvement activities, views from meetings held in public via the local health and wellbeing boards, the NHS WY ICB and WY HCP Board.
People can have their say by completing a short survey online at or by contacting their local Healthwatch by Monday 20 February 2023 to answer a few questions. More information is available on the WY HCP website at