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Acknowledge your local health heroes in our Celebrating Excellence Awards
The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust has launched its staff awards scheme, ‘Celebrating Excellence’, which aims to recognise and celebrate the very best of patient care, compassion, skill and innovation amongst its 9,000 members of staff across its hospitals and community services.
This year the Trust is inviting the public to publicly acknowledge individuals, teams and volunteers who are making a positive difference to patients in two categories: the ‘Dr Kate Granger Compassionate Care Award’ category, and, new for this year, the ‘Volunteer Award’ category.
The Dr Kate Granger Compassionate Care Award gives patients, relatives and visitors the opportunity to say thank you for outstanding personalised compassionate care and treatment given to themselves, a relative or a friend, at either Pinderfields Hospital, Pontefract Hospital, Dewsbury and District Hospital, or via community services in the Wakefield and Pontefract areas.
The Volunteer Award gives members of the public the opportunity to publicly recognise a volunteer who has gone the extra mile to create an outstanding experience for a patient. Volunteers give their time for free to help their local community and the Award recognises volunteers in any role who are passionate about improving the care we provide.
Chairman Keith Ramsay said: “Our Celebrating Excellence Awards are a key part of the Trust’s commitment to celebrate the excellence of individuals and teams and to recognise best practice across the organisation.
“Despite another challenging year, colleagues have continued to go above and beyond to provide exceptional personalised care. These two award categories provide an opportunity for members of the public to show their appreciation to our staff for their outstanding work and service.”
The nomination form for the Dr Kate Granger Compassionate Care Award category is available at or visit the website at:
The nomination form for the Volunteer Award category is available at or visit the website at:
The closing date for nominations is Sunday 19 June 2022.