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Black History Month 2021 - Proud to Be
October is Black History Month, and here at Mid Yorkshire we are taking the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the positive contributions minority ethnic people have on our Trust and our society every day.
The origins of Black History Month go back to the 1920s and the establishment of Negro History Week in the United States. This evolved into Black History Month where it was launched in the UK in the 1980s in London. Over the years Black History Month has expanded its coverage to include the history of African, Asian and Caribbean peoples and their contribution to Britain’s ‘island story’.
The theme for this year’s campaign is “Proud to Be,” with the aim to invite minority ethnic people from around the UK to share what it is they’re proud to be and recognise that for a festival of celebration during the month.
As part of the campaign, we have arranged a number of contributions from our staff to add their voices to this year's campaign and lend support to other campaigns taking place alongside the month.