Page 1 of 8 Next page Total results: 237
Test Alternative name Bottle / container Bottle / container
ACE (Serum) Angiotensin converting enzyme Photo of ACE (Serum) 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies ACRA, ACR Abs, Acetyl choline receptor antibodies Photo of Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
ADAMTS13 Photo of ADAMTS13 2x 2.9ml NA/Citrate (Green top)
AFP Alpha Fetoprotein Photo of AFP 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Albumin (24 hour urine) Photo of Albumin (24 hour urine) 24-hour urine container (Plain)
Albumin (Fluid) Photo of Albumin (Fluid) Plain Universal Container (White)
Albumin (Serum) ALB Photo of Albumin (Serum) 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Albumin (Urine) ALBCU, microalbumin; as part of ACR Photo of Albumin (Urine) Urine Collection Tube 3.2ml (Yellow top).
Aldosterone ALDO Photo of Aldosterone 2 x 2.7ml Li Heparin (Orange top)
Alkaline Phosphatase ALP, Alk Phos Photo of Alkaline Phosphatase 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzyme ALP Isoenzyme, ALPI Photo of Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzyme 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Alpha 1 AT, A1AT Photo of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Alpha-subunit Common alpha subunit, ASU Photo of Alpha-subunit 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Aluminium AL Photo of Aluminium 2.7ml Lithium Heparin Orange top tube
Amino Acids (Plasma) ACHRO Photo of Amino Acids (Plasma) 1.2ml Li Heparin (Orange top
Ammonia AMMO, NH3 Photo of Ammonia 3.4ml EDTA (Red top)
Amylase (Fluid) AMY Photo of Amylase (Fluid) Universal Container for urine or fluid(white top)
Amylase (Serum) AMY Photo of Amylase (Serum) 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Androstenedione Adione Photo of Androstenedione 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Anti-basal Ganglia Antibodies ABGA, Basal Ganglia Ab Photo of Anti-basal Ganglia Antibodies 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Anti-cardiolipin antibodies (IgG) CLAG Photo of Anti-cardiolipin antibodies (IgG) 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Anti-cyclic Citrullinated Peptides ACCP, CCP Photo of Anti-cyclic Citrullinated Peptides 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Anti-GAD Antibodies (Neurology) - Use for neurology investigations only Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies Photo of Anti-GAD Antibodies (Neurology) - Use for neurology investigations only 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Anti-MAG Antibodies Myelin associated glycoprotein antibodies Photo of Anti-MAG Antibodies 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Anti-muSK Antibodies MUSK Photo of Anti-muSK Antibodies 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Anti-Xa HEP or HEPL(DOAC) Photo of Anti-Xa 2.9ml NA/Citrate (Green top)
Antithrombin III Thrombophilia Screen Photo of Antithrombin III 2.9ml NA/Citrate (Green top)
APTT Ratio Coag, clotting, APTT, PT Photo of APTT Ratio 2.9ml NA/Citrate (Green top)
Aquaporin 4 Antibodies NMO antibodies, Neuromyelitis Optica Antibodies, A Photo of Aquaporin 4 Antibodies 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Arterial Blood Gases ABG, blood gas, chest unit gas, gas, BASE EXCESS, Photo of Arterial Blood Gases Blood Gas Syringe
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