Page 1 of 12 Next page Total results: 332
Test Alternative name Bottle / container Bottle / container
17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone(Serum) 17OHP, HPRO Photo of 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone(Serum) 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
5-HIAA(Plasma) 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid Photo of 5-HIAA(Plasma) 2.7ml Li Heparin (Orange top)
ACE (Serum) Angiotensin converting enzyme Photo of ACE (Serum) 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies ACRA, ACR Abs, Acetyl choline receptor antibodies Photo of Acetylcholine Receptor Antibodies 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
ACTH Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone, corticotrophin Photo of ACTH 3.4ml EDTA (Red top)
Acute Kidney Injury Staging AKI Photo of Acute Kidney Injury Staging 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Acute Kidney Injury Staging AKI Photo of Acute Kidney Injury Staging 4.9ml Brown top gel tube
Acylcarnitine Photo of Acylcarnitine Guthrie Card
Adalimumab (drug level) Photo of Adalimumab (drug level) 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
ADAMTS13 Photo of ADAMTS13 2 x 2.9ml NA/Citrate (Green top)
Adjusted Calcium Corrected Calcium, CAA Photo of Adjusted Calcium 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
AFP Alpha Fetoprotein Photo of AFP 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Albumin (24 hour urine) Photo of Albumin (24 hour urine) 24 hour urine container (Plain)
Albumin (Fluid) Photo of Albumin (Fluid) Universal Container for urine or fluid (white top)
Albumin (Serum) ALB Photo of Albumin (Serum) 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Albumin (Urine) ALBCU, microalbumin; as part of ACR Photo of Albumin (Urine) Urine Collection Tube 3.2ml (Yellow)
Aldosterone ALDO Photo of Aldosterone 2.7ml Li Heparin (Orange top)
Alkaline Phosphatase ALP, Alk Phos Photo of Alkaline Phosphatase 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzyme ALP Isoenzyme, ALPI Photo of Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzyme 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Alpha-1 AGP Alpha 1 acid glycoprotein, Orosomucoid, acid glyco Photo of Alpha-1 AGP 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Alpha 1 AT, A1AT Photo of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Alpha-1-antitrypsin Genotype AAT Genotype Photo of Alpha-1-antitrypsin Genotype 3.4ml EDTA (Red top)
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin phenotype Photo of Alpha-1-Antitrypsin phenotype 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Alpha-subunit Common alpha subunit, ASU Photo of Alpha-subunit 4.9ml Serum Gel (Brown top)
Aluminium AL Photo of Aluminium 2.7ml Li Heparin (Orange top)
Amino Acids (CSF) CSF serine, CSF glycine Photo of Amino Acids (CSF) Universal Container for urine or fluid (white top)
Amino Acids (Plasma) ACHRO Photo of Amino Acids (Plasma) 2.7ml Li Heparin (Orange top)
Amino Acids (Urine) Occasionally specific amino acids may be highlight Photo of Amino Acids (Urine) Universal Container for urine or fluid (white top)
Amiodarone Photo of Amiodarone 3.4ml EDTA (Red top)
Ammonia AMMO, NH3 Photo of Ammonia 3.4ml EDTA (Red top)
Page 1 of 12 Next page Total results: 332