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Nkazi shares her career journey this Black History Month
Hello, my name is Nkazi Ndlovu, I'm a Lead Advanced Clinical Practitioner based at the Same Day Emergency Care Unit at Pinderfields Hospital.
I was born and raised in Zimbabwe and moved to England when I was 19. I started my nurse training in 2006 after many bartenders and nursing home jobs. I trained at the University of Leeds and got my first nursing job in MAU at PGI. Anyone who worked at MAU in PGI will agree with me when I say it was one of the best places to work. It made me the practitioner I am today.
I am proud of how far I have come in my nursing career. I am very lucky to have a supportive team that have supported and encouraged me to take on a more leadership/management role and continue to support me.
After my first nursing job in MAU at PGI, I moved to AAU (G12) after PGI was closed. I spent 4 years with Mid Yorkshire as a band 5, before moving to the Emergency Department at LGI for a year. I came back to Mid Yorkshire as a Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner in 2014 in the Ambulatory Care Unit (now Same Day Emergency Care Unit.) It took me a little longer to qualify as I took time off to have my 2 boys.
I am now a qualified Advanced Clinical Practitioner and about a year ago I got the role to manage the unit. I really enjoy my management role.
I enjoy everything about my clinical role. My own personal development has been one of the enjoyable aspects of both roles. I have gained many advanced skills within this role and I continue to grow in confidence as a manager and as a clinician.
I have two responsibilities within my role; I work clinically as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner. I assess, diagnose, treat and educate patients. My other role is a management role, where I manage the unit and support ACPs and trainees.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story this Black History Month.